I'm a computational astrophysicist by education and training currently employed teaching at Johnson County Community College and conducting research on solar energetic particles at Fundamental Technologies, LLC. Since I started teaching the Math and Physics for Games course, I've become more interested and invested in developing games for fun and for educational purposes.
I've gone through our Game Dev A.A.S. degree program through the design track since my design skills were weak. Now that I've been through the program, my design skills are stronger than they were, but as with all things, there are still opportunities for improvement. My projects posted here are some of the interactive tools I've created for my Game Physics and Astronomy courses, my personal projects and games, as well as class projects I've completed during the process of traversing the AAS degree landscape.
I am always looking to improve my tools, my games, and my design. Please leave me your honest feedback about any of these creations that you play or explore. Improvement only comes via critique.