Terrain Boundaries and Animation Tweaks

I really appreciate any and all honestly and constructively given feedback and criticism for any project that I do, games or otherwise.  Feedback and constructive criticism is what helps us grow and develop.  Luka pointed out some things that could be better with this prototype, so I got back to work.  After seeing exactly what he was meaning regarding the animation speeds, and the issues with being able to inappropriately traverse the mountains in the barren regions, I opened up the Unity editor again and got to work.

I've resolved some things, but I'm sure there are other things that could be improved.  If you see anything that could be better or that is broken, please leave me a comment.  I may not get around to fixing it for this prototype, but it will be useful for my future projects.


  • Added colliders at logical places to prohibit the player from traversing over the mountains.  The placement of these colliders are hopefully such that the player's impediment appears logical and natural rather than an obvious invisible wall (which it really is).
  • Slowed down the run animation so that it looks more fluid.  Luka was right.  This looks better.
  • Edited the fall-off function for the sounds of the brook and mountain river so that they are more noticeable upon approach.  Previously, they were too quiet until one was right on top of them.
  • Edited the ending sequence to solve some animation state conflicts that were occurring when one reached the top of the central mound to rejoin your friends.  

Outstanding Issues:

There are a variety of things that I'd like to continue to develop and include.  I'd love to have the time to put more interactive objects throughout each of the levels and provide more of a narrative behind the player's exploration.  This includes placing more interactable NPCs throughout the level, especially in the later zones.  The thing is, though, this is merely a prototype, and one that accomplished its task.  It addressed the theme of the assignment, and it allowed me to explore some methods in Unity that I had not messed with previously.  I'll have a full postmortem write up later in the week.


AMazeOfHope_PC_BUILD_v1-1.zip 109 MB
Apr 19, 2020
AMazeOfHope_WEB_BUILD_v1-1.zip Play in browser
Apr 19, 2020

Get A Maze of Hope

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